Conversion Rate Optimization

What is CRO? You’d be forgiven for scratching your head at this new-fangled ‘jargon.’ Conversion Rate Optimization is merely the process of increasing a website visitors possibility of taking a desired action on your site – such as booking a hotel room or an appointment, making a call, reserving a table or clicking that ‘check-out’ option in an online shopping cart.

In other words, it is about maximizing the effectiveness of your website. If you’re struggling to turn traffic into leads, Digitally Scrambled, a leading Conversion Rate Optimization company in Goa and Mumbai will assess your sales funnel and user experience to weed out problem areas and remove anything that may provide friction to your conversion goals. We do this through in-depth audits, extensive research, A/B testing, data-driven recommendations and more.

SEO, PPC and other digital marketing services will bring customers to your doorstep, but CRO will get them to whip their wallets out.

Turn Clicks into customers, sales and revenue

If you already have a great product and good traffic coming to your website,, you’re closer to unlocking more conversions than you think. Optimizing your conversions is about diagnosing, testing and tweaking – so you make more sales without spending money to acquire more leads.


Didn’t we say we were number crunchers?


What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

In simple words, CRO is about continually improving your site to create the best experience for visitors. It’s a win-win. Your visitors win because they have an easy user journey and you win because conversions improve as a result. Even small changes can have huge impact on your bottom line. What’s even better? You don’t need more traffic – you’ll see instant results with the web traffic you already have.

How does CRO work?

While different digital marketing agencies in India have different techniques, the 4 steps involved in conversion rate optimization are more or less constant – we begin with conducting an audit, forming a hypothesis, making design and UI changes and then testing. These steps are done repeatedly to assess what can be improved. We then create a design with the changes, implement it and then test the results. In digital marketing lingo, this is referred to as A/B Testing or Multivariate testing.

Does CRO affect my other digital marketing activities?

No, CRO is a service that doesn’t increase or decrease your website traffic. Website traffic is driven through organic channels, SEO, PPC, social media and more. CRO plays no part in this. It merely impacts the way in which your audience can achieve goals on the website, helping you to make the most of the traffic you acquire. 

How does Digitally Scrambled optimize a website?

First, we analyze your website and identify barriers that are blocking conversions. We then devise solutions to solve them and strategise effective ways to execute a conversion program for maximum increase. Our CRO team implements a data-driven strategy that involves several rounds of A/B testing to check new changes against the original. We then recommend any changes or fixes to implement straight away and work on continuous A/B tests to push your conversion rates higher and higher. 

What should my conversion rate be?

Different industries and products have different conversion rates. The industry standard for E-commerce websites is 2%. Lead generation websites can have anywhere between 5-7%, but this all depends on the quality of traffic you are bringing to your website, the industry your business ins in and your current optimization strategy. At Digitally Scrambled, we’re always excited by the possibility of improving your visitors’ experiences, which result in higher conversation rates for you. 

Why should I do CRO?

CRO directly equals more leads and more revenue, and for a business owner, could there be a better reason? CRO also helps you outrank competitors and understand more about your website visitors. It is one of the most under-utilized digital marketing strategies in Goa, Mumbai and India at large. If the idea of picking low-hanging fruit sounds good to you, CRO is a must. 

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