More than half the world today uses social media in some form or the other. In an ideal world, all the social media channels would be able to organically help you reach your target audience. However, with the increasing subscriber rate – about 227 million in the past 12 months itself – driving traffic from social media is no cakewalk. That said, it is not impossible either. A careful understanding of a brand paired with intensive research around the target audience can increase your conversion rate. There are some tips to keep in mind while incorporating social media into your brand marketing strategy.

Choose the Right Medium

It can be tempting to have your fingers in too many pies. However, not all social media channels might serve your business the same. For instance, Twitter/ Reddit/ Discord is great for starting conversations. If your brand focuses on education, these mediums are perfect. On the other hand, Tiktok/Instagram are better preferred for brands with more visual appeal. If you have something great to show, this is the place to be. While content can be repurposed and reshared over multiple platforms, it is a known fact that it will not perform the same everywhere. So if you are unsure of what platform to double down on, post everywhere and then pick the ones that work best for you.

Design Each Social Media Channel Consciously

It’s crucial that your brand identity remains the same across all channels. However, you still need to make sure that the final profile is uniquely optimised for traffic and conversion. Here are some tips to keep in mind while creating a social media profile for your business:


Instagram’s popularity makes it one of the most difficult yet preferred social media channels for marketing. While you have to compete with several other brands in the same niche, you also have access to a large subscriber base to tap into.

  • Firstly, make sure your bio is crisp and rich in keywords – Instagram doubles up as a search engine and keywords will make you more visible. 
  • Once you have your bio in place, focus on adding an easy-to-access link to your Instagram bio. This link will take the user to all your other channels, website, and any other elements that you might want to add. A link tree is non-negotiable for an Instagram profile.
  • Make sure to have uniform brand colours, especially in any informational posts.


LinkedIn is a wonderful platform and perfect for showcasing how your business solves difficult problems, what the work culture is like and how you plan to grow. If used right, LinkedIn can really drive traffic to your website. However, it is important to maintain a straightforward writing style in all your posts and have a detailed description of your brand on your profile. Apart from that, make it a point to interact with other potential customers or businesses for lead generation on LinkedIn.


Reddit and Discord are pretty simple to use and understand, and much safer than Instagram. They are great for creating communities and having daily sessions for sharing insights and discussing specific topics. Twitter on the other hand works on the same level but comes with a character limit per post. This means your content has to be catchy and your bio simple. You can add the link from your Instagram bio to your Twitter profile to help drive traffic to your website and other platforms.

Create a Value-based Social Media Presence

While managing social media channels for your brand, consistency is key. However, what kind of content you put out also matters. There is no doubt that ads that redirect traffic to your product are important, but a good brand also adds value to its audience’s lives. Figure out what content can help your target audience and don’t shy away from sharing some secrets. This will stay with them for longer than anything else. Apart from that, be quirky, retain quality in your content and encourage users to engage.

Figure Out your Brand Design and Target Audience

Before everything else, your brand’s logos and colours are what leave a print on the user’s mind. Think about Subway or Cred – there is a specific image that will come to your head. Aim to create that for your brand – an identity that is easy to identify in the blink of an eye. Sit down with your team and work on what colours, logos, fonts, and language you want to use. Do you want to be funny and sassy, or articulate and serious? Once that’s done, research your target audience. Do they go to work every day or are they, college students? It’s easier to create targeted content that will drive traffic and conversion from social media with a specific audience in mind.

Invest in Paid Advertisements

While small efforts go a long way, in a world with multiple brands in a specific niche, organic reach might be limited. Targeted and paid advertisements help you reach a wider audience and redirect them to your social media and website. However, this can only work if you have a target audience in mind and know what your Unique Selling Point is. Once you do, it’s all about letting a wider audience know how you can solve their problem.